Thank you for choosing Uplift Therapy.
Please read the following policies carefully as this sets out the important aspects of your engagement with our service.
What you can expect from the counselling service
Counselling provides an opportunity to explore personal, emotional difficulties in a confidential and supportive environment. Uplift Therapy currently offers open sessions of counselling to clients and discounts for those who qualify for low cost counselling.
You will receive an automated email reminder 24 hours before your first counselling appointment.
For online sessions, if for any reason we experience technical issues during the session your counsellor will try to re-connect with you. If this is not possible your counsellor will make contact by calling you on the contact telephone number you provided to resume the session.
The Uplift Therapy follows the BACP Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions. for Relationship and Sex therapist. for professional infertility counselling. Our counsellors and therapists are provided with regular clinical supervision to ensure you get the best service.
Uplift Therapy will inform you of any changes to your therapy such as planned or unplanned service closures or any changes to your appointment time.
If your counsellor/therapist needs to cancel any of your sessions they will inform you in advance and remind you again nearer the date of the session(s). Any sessions cancelled by your counsellor/therapist will be replaced.
If your counsellor/therapist is unable to give you advanced notice of a cancellation, due to unplanned circumstances such as illness, they will contact you with as much notice as possible.
All contact with your counsellor will usually be conducted by email. If you are unable to get a response from your counsellor, then you can also email
Half way through your sessions, the counsellor will go through a review with you to find out how you feel the sessions are going and how the counselling is impacting you.
What we expect from you, the client:
To attend sessions punctually, if you are running late your counsellor will not be able to overrun the session. If the counsellor does not see you at the time of your session they will try to contact you 5 minutes later and then once more another 15 minutes later. If they cannot get hold of you then this will be considered a missed session.
If you pay for your counselling sessions then you must pay for your appointments in advance, ideally 24 hours before. If payment has not been received by 1 hour before the session it will not go ahead. Please note – the online payment system will not allow you to pay for the session after the start time of the appointment.
If you attend intoxicated (alcohol or drugs) and you appear unable to make use of the counselling session the session is likely to be cancelled by your counsellor or therapist.
Communicating with your counsellor outside agreed counselling sessions should be limited to making, changing, or cancelling an appointment, unless by prior arrangement
To inform your counsellor when you feel you are ready to end therapy if this comes before the end of the allocated/ agreed sessions. Endings within the scope of the session amounts we offer are down to client autonomy.
In order to proceed with online counselling you need to have a good quality Internet connection and a quiet confidential space, which is – as much as possible – free of interruptions.
Both you and your counsellor agree not to record sessions (audio and/or video) unless this has been discussed and agreed by yourself and your counsellor.
For online counselling please dress as if you were going to a face-to-face counselling session.
Be aware that communication over the Internet is reasonably secure but can never be fully guaranteed.
Cancellation Policy
All clients
o Please give a minimum of 48 hours’ notice when cancelling an appointment wherever possible.
o If you cancel 2 consecutive sessions with less than 48 hours’ notice then we may close your case if you are unable to attend your next session, reconsideration will be done depending on the client situation.
If your circumstances change while accessing counselling please speak to your Counsellor.
If you’re a student or carer or with any kind of disability, provide evidence and please always use the Coupon Code provided.
Safeguarding and Emergencies
As part of the application process we ask for your GP details and next of kin. In the event of an emergency we would like to be able to contact your next of kin, this is why we ask for these details. If you have haven’t already provided this the counsellor will ask you for this in your first session.
Uplift therapy is confidential, following the guidelines set our through legislation (Data Protection Act 2018). This means Uplift Therapy will not share outside of the organisation any personally identifiable information about you, or the information you choose to disclose.
If we feel there is serious reason to breach this level of confidentiality, Uplift Therapy will discuss this with you and seek your consent where possible. These circumstances may include a concern that you are at risk of significant self-harm or suicide, if there is a risk of you seriously harming another person or if we believe a child to be at risk of significant harm.
Support outside of sessions
In the event of a crisis, or if you need additional support, you can contact the following organisations:
Your local mental health crisis team (Your GP)
The Samaritans helpline for anyone who needs support: call 116 123 (available 24/7)
Hopeline UK for those aged under 35 who are struggling with suicidal thoughts: call 0800 068 4141 (available 24/7)
CALM helpline for anyone struggling with suicidal thoughts: call 0800 585858 (open 5pm – midnight) Cruse – for grief and bereavement Free for anyone.
24/7 crisis helplines: text ‘Shout to 85258
If you have seriously harmed yourself or you feel that you may be about to harm yourself, call 999 for an ambulance or go straight to A&E.
If any part of this contract is unclear then please let us know via email. Otherwise we assume agreement and consent to all of the above at the point you begin your first session with us – therefore you do not need to return a signed and dated copy to us, although you may like to keep one for your own records.